Collection Tattoo Girl

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Monday, January 31, 2011 0 comments

Evo Photos: Spectacular View from Around the World

The Most Beautiful Spot In the World by The Evolutionister...
Jam Gadang Bukittinggi (Indonesia) at new year celebration
Bora-Bora Island Tahiti
Bali at Indonesia
Grand Canyon USA
Venice Italy
Mount Fuji Japan
 The measured tree overflows.
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North American Tribal Tattoo

Tribal tattooing is commonly used in Native American tribes to designate the location within the tribe. The men of the Illinois Indian tribe, for example, would normally have tattoos of weapons of war on their bodies. Women, on the other hand, had tools. The tools of war were found to outperform the tools. These tribal tattoos have been minimized.

Timucua tribes, on the other hand, a heavily-used tattoos. These tattoos are represented in the list, as well as their social role, their family lines, their tribal affiliation, their wealth, power for their actions and their acts of courage. Their tattoos were simple lines and circles, intricate patterns and designs.
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The Memorial Rose Tattoos

One of the popular reasons to get a rose tattoo is to serve as a memorial. Why roses symbolize love, Rose Tattoo, whose name or names of those who passed the act perpetual memorial. Those who receive the monument Rose Tattoo, is the perfect way for them to create a permanent memorial, which is always with them.

Typically tattooing memory involving one or more roses. A band is somehow wrapped around the rose or pink, with the name or names of the deceased written on the tape. It could also include date of birth and date of death of the person. Or he can say something like: "In memory of ..."

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Bikers Tattoo

Biker tattoos can be simply a means of expression. In this case, only the sky is the limit when it comes to designs a biker can choose. However, there are a couple of pictures and models that are the most frequent cycling.

Perhaps the most popular photo selection biker tattoos is the skull. This design has a number of possible changes, including the flaming, red eyes, barbed wire, or the use of snakes within the picture. The skull may also contain a banner beneath it before, or even passing through it that contains the person's name or the name of a specific type of motion.

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The Dragon Tattoo

whose original title was more effective and "Men Who Hate Women" (a name much more appropriate given the nature of the book) - the second day. After reading the Millennium trilogy (this is part of one) last year by Stieg Larsson was always waiting for the film version of books. They made the film, both on the big screen or small (in fact, I think this film was originally a two-part TV-movie re-edited in the film version), because they are on top, with plenty of puzzle solving and plot twists, the melodrama, violence and full of well-drawn characters with the plot moves forward fast pace. Behind the books is, of course, a number of serious issues as racism, misogyny and patriarchy, sexual violence, and globalization - a reminder that all is not well in social democratic Sweden, the country is often a country of enlightened and liberal views, unlike our own.

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(Evo News) Inu Kencana: Di IPDN Air Kencing Dihargai Rp 50 Ribu

   Ya ampuuun... Parah neh evonister, lagi-lagi ada kabar yang tidak sedap dari sisi pendidikan negara kita ini. Kali ini datang dari IPDN (lagi). Pengen tau apa kabar yang saya maksud?hmmm baca aja ya postingan kali ne...

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,SEMARANG--Kasus kematian praja, Rinra Sujiwa Syahrul Putra --untuk kesekian kali-- memantik spekulasi yang terjadi di balik 'dinding' Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN), Jatinangor.
Pasalnya, setiap peristiwa yang terjadi di lembaga pendidikan ini selalu menyisakan pro dan kontra perihal perilaku dan kehidupan praja di sekolah calon pemimpin pemerintahan ini.
Hal ini diakui oleh Rektor Universitas Pandanaran Semarang, Inu Kencana Syafii, saat dimintai tanggapan perihal peristiwa yang dialami oleh Putra Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan, Syahrul Yasin Limpo tersebut.
Menurut mantan dosen di IPDN ini, ia tak mau menduga-duga penyebab kematian praja Rinra ini. Namun ia membenarkan banyaknya persoalan hukum yang terjadi di balik institusi pendidikan ini.
Ia mencontohkan masih maraknya penggunaan narkoba di kalangan praja. "Bahkan para pejabat di institusi inipun ikut terlibat dalam peredaran barang haram tersebut," ungkap Inu saat dihubungi per telepon di Semarang, Senin (31/1).
Inu yang diberhentikan dari IPDN karena kevokalannya dalam mengungkap kebobrokan institusi ini mengatakan, setiap berita tentang narkoba di IPDN marak, tes urin yang dilakukan jamak dimanipulasi.
Seharusnya, tegas dia, air seni praja yang diperiksa adalah air seni saat masih baru yang tentunya masih dalam kondisi hangat. Namun di IPDN air seni yang dites narkoba tidak. Bahkan bisa air seni orang lain yang tidak mengkonsumsi narkoba dan direkayasa sedemikian rupa sebagai air seni para praja.
Makanya, lanjut Inu, di IPDN air seni bisa dijual Rp 50 ribu per ampul kecil. Praktik ini sudah biasa terjadi di lingkungan pendidikan ini. "Kalau pernyataan ini dianggap merupakan fitnah, silahkan seret saya ke pengadilan. Saya tak gentar karena saya pernah tahu kondisi yang sebenarnya," tegas Inu

Silahkan pendapat dan komentar evonister mengenai ini....
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Evo Sport : Satu-Satunya Pembalap Termuda Berkebangsaan Indonesia yang Menjajal Mobil Formula 1

Rio Haryanto Lahap 21 Lap di Yas Marina dengan Mobil  F1 Virgin Team

Rio Haryanto(tengah) saat menjuarai GP3 di Turki
Rio Haryanto saat mencoba mobil F1

Abu Dhabi - Salam evonister, mungkin tak banyak dari kita yang tau sosok ini,
karena sosoknya yang tak begitu sering diekspose media dibandingkan dengan seorang Irfan Bachdim maupun El Loco Gonzales yang begitu populer di piala AFF kemarin. Namun remaja asli Indonesia yang baru berumur 17th ini mampu mengharumkan nama Indonesia dimata dunia dengan kemampuan membalapnya dan menjadi 5 besar di formula GP3 lalu dan hadiah dari prestasinya tersebut, Rio Haryanto akhirnya merasakan melaju di trek dengan mobil Formula 1. Pembalap muda Indonesia ini telah menyelesaikan 21 lap dengan jet darat tim F1 Virgin Racing di Abu Dhabi.

Rio menjadi pembalap pertama Indonesia yang menjajal mobil F1. Di balik kemudi VR-01 itu Rio melahap 21 lap di sikuit Yas Marina saat sesi tes Selasa (17/11/2010) pagi waktu setempat.

Ia mencatat waktu lap 1 menit 49,439 detik dan membuat Rio ada di posisi ke-13 dalam sesi tersebut. Sedangkan waktu lap tercepat diraih pembalap muda Red Bull Daniel Ricciardo dengan waktu 1,40.813 detik.

Namun sejak awal Rio telah menegaskan bahwa bukanlah catatan waktu yang dikejarnya. Rio memang hanya ingin menikmati merasakan melaju dengan mobil Formula 1 dan merasakan akselarasinya.

Kesempatan mencoba mobi F1 ini didapat Rio sebagai hadiah atas prestasinya yang baik bersama tim Manor di GP3. Namun dari semua pembalap yang mengikuti tes, Rio adalah pembalap yang termuda dengan usia 17 tahun.

Hasil tes pembalap muda F1, sesi Selasa (16/11/2010) pagi waktu setempat :

1.  Daniel Ricciardo        Red Bull     1m40.813s
 2.  Paul di Resta           Force India  1m42.736s
 3.  Oliver Turvey           McLaren      1m42.933s
 4.  Sam Bird                Mercedes     1m43.201s
 5.  Jean-Eric Vergne        Toro Rosso   1m43.392s
 6.  Esteban Gutierrez       Sauber       1m43.410s
 7.  Mikhail Aleshin         Renault      1m43.661s
 8.  Jules Bianchi           Ferrari      1m43.894s
 9.  Dean Stoneman           Williams     1m44.051s
10.  Antonio Felix da Costa  Force India  1m44.704s
11.  Pastor Maldonado        Hispania     1m46.278s
12.  Rodolfo Gonzalez        Lotus        1m46.910s
13.  Rio Haryanto            Virgin       1m49.439s

All timing unofficial 

Sumber: detiksport
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Sunday, January 30, 2011 0 comments

Top Thirty Religious Tattoos

Getting inked for the sake of your religious beliefs is a large cross to bear, if you will.
It is a commitment that subjects the tattooee to more judgment and possible controversy than any other tattoo choice. Wearing your religion on your skin takes resounding faith, unshakeable conviction, and yes, balls. But it is refreshing and in fact admirable in these days of the prolific slut-stamp and lifeless tribal sleeve to see folks stepping out of the ink herd and choosing to physically profess their religious devotion … loud and clear.
Luckily for religious tattoo enthusiasts of today, the artistry of time-honored religious imagery has made leaps and bounds from our forefathers chiseling petroglyphs onto stone. Expressive, beautiful and subjective, check out the incredible artwork that makes up the top 30 religious tattoos.
Jesus: The central figure of Christianity, Jesus, aka Jesus of Nazareth, Jehovah, the Messiah, the Christ, Savior of man, the Son of God, was a prophet and teacher born in Bethlehem and crucified to bestow eternal salvation among mankind.

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Mary: Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ, and is also referred to as the Virgin Mary, the Blessed Virgin, the Holy Virgin, the Holy Mother and the Mother of God. Mary is especially honored in Roman Catholicism and is considered the most elevated of the saints.

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Cross: The cross is one of the most recognized symbols in the world. It is the primary religious symbol of Christianity and represents the crucifixion of Jesus.

Rosary: Traditional in Roman Catholicism, the rosary is a set of beads that provides a physical method of keeping track of the number of prayers said, as the fingers can move along the beads as prayers are recited.

Angels: In Christianity, Judaism and Islam, angels are believed to be messengers from God who are sent to guard over subjects (hence, Guardian Angel) and carry out the tasks of the Divine. Superior or higher-ranking angels are known as archangels; famous archangels include Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel.

Crucifix: A crucifix is a cross with an accompanying image of Jesus’ crucified body. It is a principal symbol of Christianity and Catholicism.

The Last Supper: In Christian Gospel, the Last Supper (aka the Lord’s Supper) was the last meal Jesus of Nazareth shared with his Twelve Apostles and disciples before his death.

Praying Hands: The held-together, praying hands image is a traditional gesture in Christianity and Catholicism. This photo is from user Rod Fam.

Krishna: While many Hindu groups recognize Krishna as the incarnation of Vishnu, some consider Krishna to be the Supreme God. Krishna is the speaker of the Bhagavad-Gita, and is often depicted as a baby or as a youthful prince playing a flute. Krishna is believed to personify the loving relationship between God and humans.

Sacred Heart: A traditional symbol in Roman Catholicism, the Sacred Heart represents Jesus’ physical heart. The Sacred Heart is usually depicted as a flaming heart surrounded by a crown of thorns and bleeding. The crown of thorns alludes to Jesus’ death, while the fire represents his love for mankind.

Scripture: Although “scripture” is generally defined as the sacred writings of religious texts, it has been traditionally associated with the writings of the Bible.

Triquetra: The Triquetra is used by Christianity as a symbol of the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), but is also used in Neo-Pagan religions.

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Star of David: The Star of David is a six-pointed star emblem, commonly associated with Jewish culture and Judaism. It is named after King David of ancient Israel and is also present on the state flag of Israel.

Pentacle: Neo-pagans, especially Wiccans, use the pentacle as a symbol of faith, similar to the Christian cross or the Jewish Star of David. As a representation of the elements, the pentacle is an amulet used in magical evocation, summoning the spirits of the four directions (with the spirit as five) at the beginning of Wiccan ritual.

Triple Moon Goddess: In Pagan and Wiccan tradition, the Triple Moon Goddess represents the three stages of life: Maiden, Mother and Crone, as well as the three phases of the moon.

Baphomet: The Baphomet was first depicted by nineteenth century occultist Elipas Levi as a symbol of harmony, redemption, and union with the Divine. A simplified version of the symbol (the Sabbatic goat) was adopted as the emblem of Anton Lavey’s Church of Satan in 1966. These two figures are now both synonymous with Satanism.

Pentagram: Traditionally a symbol of a 5-pointed star, an inverted pentagram with two points up, often inscribed in a double circle with a depiction of a goat head in the middle, is referred to as the Sigil of Baphomet among Satanists. It is used as a sign of rebellion or religious identification; the three downward points symbolizing the rejection of the holy Trinity.

The Devil: The Devil, aka Satan, Lucifer, the Beast, the Antichrist, Beelzebub, etc., is a fallen angel in Christian and Catholic tradition who rebelled against God and was cast down into the pit of Hell. The Devil is usually depicted with horns and a serpent’s tongue.

666: The Bible’s Book of Revelation asserts 666 to be “the number of a beast.” In modern culture, 666 has become one of the most widely recognized symbols for the Antichrist, and a symbol for Satanists.

Upside down cross: The reversed cross is traditionally the symbol of St. Peter’s refusal to be crucified in the manner of Christ, preferring to be hung upside down, as a gesture of humility. In modern times, the reversed cross is most commonly associated with Satanism and a rejection of the Christian doctrine.

Brahma: Brahma is regarded as the creator of the universe in Hinduism, and was believed to be self-born in the lotus flower which grew from the navel of Vishnu. Brahma is traditionally depicted with four heads, four faces and four arms, representing the four directions.

Shiva: Shiva, the God of destruction, is the supreme God in the Shaiva tradition of Hinduism. He is generally represented as immersed in deep meditation, and has a third eye. Shiva is often depicted as blue, referring to when he drank poison churned up from the earth’s ocean.

Vishnu: Vishnu is regarded as a major God in Hinduism, and is believed to be the preserver of the universe.

Ganesh: Ganesh is one of the best-known and most worshipped deities in Hinduism. Ganesh’s elephant head makes him easy to identify, and his reverence extends to Buddhists and beyond India. He is regarded as the Remover of Obstacles and Lord of intellect and wisdom.

Buddha: Siddhartha Gautama (563 BC-483 BC, approximately) was an Indian spiritual teacher and the founder of Buddhism. He is generally recognized by Buddhists as the Supreme Buddha.

Kuan Yin: In Buddhist culture, Kuan Yin is known as the Bodhisattva of Compassion. It is generally accepted that Kuan Yin originated as the SanskritAvalokiteśvara, which is her male form.

Yin and Yang: Although found throughout Chinese culture, the Yin and Yang symbols are often associated with Taoism, as they represent the dynamic force of the Tao – two energies constantly interacting with each another: the sun and the moon, femininity and masculinity, birth and death, etc.

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Rastafari: Rastafarianism isa religious-cultural movement that began in the 1930′s in Jamaica as a reaction to the European colonialism and slavery of Africans. Central themes of the religion attempt to explain the future of the African race by looking to Ethiopia for an African King.

Atheist: Atheism is defined as the disbelief that deities exist and/or the lack of belief in gods.

Darwinian Fish: Charles Robert Darwin (1809 -1882) was an English naturalist who taught that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors through the process he termed natural selection. His theory of natural selection came to be known as the primary explanation of evolution in the 1930′s, and now forms the basis of modern evolutionary theory.

Good vs. Evil Duality: These images represent religious duality.

Mary/Evil Mary:

Angel/Devil tattoo from RankMyTattoo user DeadGirl666

Whether denying the existence of God(s), altering the perception of God(s), or embracing God(s), religious tattoos encapsulate a personal and cultural honor that no other artwork can match.
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